Printable Cards for Christmas

Printable Cards

Printable Cards

Personalized Printed Cards Delivered At Your Desk, Instantly! 

There’s just something about a paper greeting card that never loses its charm for some of us. We like to hold the greeting in our hands, feel the crisp paper, run our fingers over the words and pictures- as if we were trying to absorb the essence of the message. Most of all we like to see the handwritten notes and the signatures of our loved ones. While ecards may be viewed instantly and forgotten over time, printed cards can be saved, cherished and shared for years. Although ecards have replaced printed cards in many instances as the more convenient, inexpensive and quick mode of wishing one another, printed cards still retain that special quality that electronic messages cannot convey effectively.

So, this holiday season, if you are thinking of sending out printed cards, but are not happy with the impersonal and expensive store bought variety, you have a creative new option available at 

Printable cards

In this section, you can actually design and create your own card and print it out in your home to send to family and friends. There is a template to which you can upload a personal or family photo from your computer or choose one of the many images available on the site. You can also choose from among the many message options and also add your own personal note. Print it out and voila! You have your own custom paper greeting card that you can sign, seal with love and send just in time for the special occasion! 

So, there’s absolutely no excuse to not send a wish to your loved ones this year. Whether you want to send an ecard or a printed card, it only takes a few minutes on

New Year Looking Forward


New Years Ecards
New Years Ecards

Well, a new year is almost here.


           In less than two months from now, we’ll be saying goodbye to 2008, and welcoming in 2009.  As this year draws to a close, I find myself looking back on all the things that made 2008 a special year, and looking forward to all the ways that 2009 can be better.  In 2008, my little brother made the all-star soccer team; in 2009, he may get the opportunity to go professional.  In 2008, my father got a raise at his job; in 2009, he’ll get to retire.  In 2008, I left my hometown behind me, to look forward to greener pastures and new adventures; in 2009, I may move on once again.

           Anything and everything may happen, and that’s the beauty of celebrating the new year: we’re toasting to the days that have already gone by, and we’re toasting to those wonderful ones still ahead of us.

           This year, on December 31st, wherever you are when you watch that great ball drop in Times Square, remember not only to look back on the year that was, but to also look forward to the year that may be. And while you are at it send some New Years Ecards.

Home for Christmas



Christmas Ecards
Christmas Ecards

When I was a kid, I remember spending Christmas Eve with my Dad’s family and Christmas Day with my Mom’s family. I thought that that was how it always was, and that is how it always will be. But when I started a family of my own, trying to see everyone important to us became more about driving to the next destination than it did about spending time with our loved ones.


To alleviate this stress, my in-laws began having Christmas one week early. That way, everyone was able to hang out together and celebrate all day long, instead of watching the clock. And I was able to enjoy my extended family on Christmas without trying to split the day up between them and my husband’s family. But when we started having kids, it all changed and everyone wanted to see the kids on Christmas so we were back to square one.

But this year it is going to be different. My husband and I have decided that Christmas is going to be at our house, celebrated with just our immediate foursome, and if anyone wants to see us, they will have to come to us! We will be saving on gas, on stress, and saving time as we enjoy our family in front of the Christmas Tree. And for those whom we will not be seeing, I am going to send them all FREE ecards from There are so many choices for Holiday Greetings ecards, that there is something for everyone. This Christmas is going to be easy, and I have GotFreeCards to thank!

Christmas Cards on Sale


Christmas Ecards
Christmas Ecards

I went to a book store last week, to do some last-minute Christmas shopping, and I had to smile at this display of Christmas cards, situated right at the front of the store. 

            I go to this book store often to get coffee in their café and use their Internet connection, and so I remember seeing those Christmas cards, for the first time, several weeks ago.  At that time, probably the beginning of November or close to it, the cards were priced at full retail: close to twenty dollars for a box of fifteen, if I remember correctly.  I remember shaking my head and thinking, People would be crazy to pay that much for cards.

            A couple of weeks later, all the boxes of cards had sale stickers on them, which read: “ONLY $15!”  It was a discount, sure; but ten dollars?  For a box of Christmas cards?  And a couple of weeks later, they had been reduced again, down to ten dollars a box.  And then this past week, during my last-minute Christmas shopping, the cards were bargain-basement priced: three dollars a box.  And people were picking through them like crazy. 

            That’s a decent price, to be sure, but it just made me think: all the silly little things that we spend money on, that we really don’t have to…it’s ludicrous.  Why, for example, would people leap at the chance to buy these Christmas cards for even three dollars a box, with only fifteen cards per box, when they could get ecards for free, on gotfreecards,com, and send as many as they like?

            I suppose there’s always going to be a market for people willing to spend money on things they don’t need, but still…

Send Christmas Ecards to Santa

Christmas Ecards

Christmas Ecards


Our tree is up, the lights are blinking, and all of the non-breakable ornaments are in their place. That is, until morning when my toddlers remove the ornaments and try to touch the lights which is my cue to remove the whole thing altogether. I am excited to help my kids get ready for Santa Claus and put out the snacks for the reindeer. I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces Christmas morning when they behold the treasures Santa left for them the night before.

When I was a kid, I left a note for Santa on Christmas Eve: “Santa, please come into my room and wake me up when you get to my house so I know that you are real.” It is amazing to me to think I was so unafraid of Santa showing up in my room, because if he appeared today in my room I’d call the cops for sure! Anyway, when I woke up that Christmas morning, I was disappointed that Santa hadn’t introduced himself, but soon found his reply: “I can’t spoil the magic! Ho Ho Ho!” And he was right, Santa Claus represents the magic of the holiday season, and meeting him would have spoiled everything. Even today, though I know the real story, there is still a part of me that believes in the magic of Santa. Whatever your memories are of this festive season, be sure to share them with your loved ones. Make their holidays as bright as your memories by sending them Christmas ecards! And if you can find his email address, send one to Santa, too!

Christmas Options

Christmas Ecards

Christmas Ecards

Sometimes, on holidays, when we’re far away from the people we love, the urge may be present to not spend any time on Christmas shopping for them: after all, opening Christmas gifts in March lacks a certain something, doesn’t it?

            But while you certainly don’t need to break your bank in shopping for those out-of-towners in your life, you can easily do something to let them know you’re thinking about them.  You can call them on the phone, of course.  And I usually write my best and oldest friends personalized letters every Christmas—even those I haven’t seen in years.  Another option chritmas ecards —and one I’m certainly taking advantage of—is

            And, of course, don’t forget those farthest away of all: the men and women of the United States Military, serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, and all over the world.  I can guarantee you that one phone call, letter or e-card will mean a whole lot more to them than your Dad’s new lawnmower will mean to him.

Christmas “Learning my Lesson”

Christmas Ecards

Christmas Ecards

Last year I decided I wasn’t sending Christmas cards.  There were too many other things to do, in getting ready for Christmas, that if I could eliminate any headaches, I would do myself a favor.  And one headache to eliminate was Christmas cards.

But it didn’t take too long after my mailbox began filling with cards from friends and family members that I panicked.  Even if I didn’t send out cards, I realized, I’d still have to write thank-you notes for those I received, which in itself would take more time than just sending out cards in the first place.

I rushed to the greeting card store, to buy a box of greeting cards.  But of course, being only a couple weeks before Christmas, the store was sold out.  An employee, though, suggested I head to the book store at the mall, because they usually sold Christmas cards.

Well, I went there, and she was right: they did have Christmas cards for sale, but the price was so exorbitant I nearly passed out after seeing the tag.  But I didn’t have a choice: I had swallow the sickening feeling and buy them anyway.

And so, at the end of it all, I had, in fact, bought Christmas cards that I had originally planned to not buy; and I certainly didn’t save any time or money. 

What I should have done—and what I am doing this year—is send my Christmas cards through  Their animated free e-cards are easy to send—I only need to provide the e-mail address of the recipient—and they feature only free e-cards, meaning I won’t spend a dime.  

I learned my lesson from last year.  Hopefully, though, you can learn from my mistake, and avoid the stress in the first place

Send Free Christmas Ecards Today!


Free Christmas Ecards





Free Christmas Ecards



Even when something as perfect as FREE CHRISTMAS ECARDS is readily available for everyone to use, there are still people who have some excuse not to use them. Here are the top 7 excuses people have for not using FREE ecards and an answer for each excuse:

Excuse #1) I want to write my own sentiment in the Christmas cards I send out this year.
Answer: You can add your own sentiments to every ecard at

Excuse #2) I want to be able to send pictures of my kids and the dog in my Christmas card.
Answer: This is also something you can do with each ecard!

Excuse #3) I don’t understand how to do it.
Answer: It’s easy! Just select the card you want to send, input the email addresses of the recipients, add your personal message, add any photos, and hit the send button!

Excuse #4) But I have all of these cute Christmas postage stamps to use.
Answer: Save them for something you HAVE to mail! No stamps needed at!

Excuse #5) I want to send people something they can keep and show to their loved ones.
Answer: It will be on their computer! They can forward it to anyone they want to show!

Excuse #6) My grandma doesn’t have an email address to send it to.
Answer: also has FREE printable cards that you can design yourself to print out and mail! Perfect for those Christmas stamps you’ve been saving.

Excuse #7) I don’t celebrate Christmas.
Answer: So send a holiday ecard, a thank you ecard, or any ecard you want! The choices are endless!

No more excuses! Send your free ecards today!

Christmas Lights

Free Christmas Ecards

Free Christmas Ecards

Lights Lights Lights! Who doesn’t love Christmas and Holiday Lights? They’re pretty, they’re festive, and they stir up the holiday spirit in all of us. But while we love to look at them, even travel distances to see the houses with the best light shows, no one really wants to be the one to hang them up.


Case in point: A friend of mine hung up his lights this weekend. He finished just as his wife pointed out to him that the outlets for the plugs where located on the opposite side of the house than he thought. He had to take down ALL of the lights and start over. Who doesn’t love Christmas lights? My friend, that’s who.

When I was a kid, our lights were perfectly stored tangle free, thanks to my genius dad. Each January he wrapped the light strands carefully around paper towel rolls and carefully placed them in boxes to be stored until next year. Each December he’d unroll the strands in the garage, lay them on the ground to organize them, and plug them in to make sure they all worked. One December when I was 10, he asked me to help him in the garage with the Christmas lights. He picked up one end of a light strand to take it to the front yard, I picked up the other end, we started walking and wouldn’t you know I dropped my end and ALL of the lights broke. Who doesn’t love Christmas lights? Me at 10 years old, that’s who!

As I recall all of the Christmas light follies, and there are many, I can’t help but laugh. For all of the brave people hanging up their lights this year, send them FREE ecards from, like the ecard, “Tangled Lights”. Let them know you are thinking of them and all of the hard work that they do to light up Christmas!

Christmas Unforgettable Holidays

Free Christmas Ecards

Free Christmas Ecards

The most memorable Christmases aren’t the ones where we get the the shiniest jewelry or the most expensive video games.  The memorable Holiday seasons are those marked by truly unforgettable events.

Case in point: when I was eleven years old, my family decided to shell out some cash for a real tree, rather than use the old plastic one.  Dad and I drove to a Christmas Tree farm, chose the biggest, most expensive tree, and took it home. The whole family had a wonderful evening, securing the tree, stringing up the lights, and then attaching ornaments. 

We all went to bed on Christmas Eve night, and I had just fallen asleep when a loud crashing sound jerked me back awake.  My first thought: Santa hadn’t turned the lights on, and was fumbling around in the darkness downstairs.  Then I heard a “meow” and I knew the true source of the disturbance.

I rushed downstairs, following closely my parents, and what we see in the living room is our beautiful, expensive tree, lying on its side, ornaments scattered about and broken, and our gray tabby cat, Bully, sitting in the middle of the whole mess, with a “What’d I do?” look on his face.

Had I been making animated christmas ecards for back then, I would have immortalized the event in a free e-card.  Even still, it’s not something I’m ever likely to forget.  

The next year, we went back to the plastic Christmas Tree, and we never looked back.