When I was a kid, I remember spending Christmas Eve with my Dad’s family and Christmas Day with my Mom’s family. I thought that that was how it always was, and that is how it always will be. But when I started a family of my own, trying to see everyone important to us became more about driving to the next destination than it did about spending time with our loved ones.
To alleviate this stress, my in-laws began having Christmas one week early. That way, everyone was able to hang out together and celebrate all day long, instead of watching the clock. And I was able to enjoy my extended family on Christmas without trying to split the day up between them and my husband’s family. But when we started having kids, it all changed and everyone wanted to see the kids on Christmas so we were back to square one.
But this year it is going to be different. My husband and I have decided that Christmas is going to be at our house, celebrated with just our immediate foursome, and if anyone wants to see us, they will have to come to us! We will be saving on gas, on stress, and saving time as we enjoy our family in front of the Christmas Tree. And for those whom we will not be seeing, I am going to send them all FREE ecards from GotFreeCards.com. There are so many choices for Holiday Greetings ecards, that there is something for everyone. This Christmas is going to be easy, and I have GotFreeCards to thank!