Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! We at GotFreeCards.com have produced many different products to help you wish your friends and family a safe and happy Halloween. So we thought it would be best to list it here so you (our readers) can easily find them.

Halloween Links

  1. Free Halloween Ecards – Email animated ecards without registration or download
  2. Printable Halloween Cards – Print a card at home
  3. Halloween Photo Ecards Upload your photo, choose Halloween frames and send it out with Halloween themed animations
  4. Halloween Photo Cards for you to create your own invitations with your own photos

Do let us know what you liked the best.

How to arrange a Navarathri Golu?


So, what exactly is a Golu and how do you arrange one?

As mentioned in a previous post, in many parts of South India, one of the key elements of Dussehra or Navarathri festival is the traditional arrangement of dolls in the form of a multi-step display. The golu is central to Navarathri, with ladies of the household planning for it months in advance. New dolls are purchased every year and the collection updated with the latest arrivals in the market. Kids are encouraged to participate by making crafts and helping to build miniature gardens, parks or other models. The grandparents and other elders assist by dusting and cleaning the dolls and getting them ready for display. They also provide guidance and directions with regards to how the Golu should be arranged.

The actual arrangement involves the following steps –

  1. On Mahalaya Amavasya day, the auspicious new moon day when Mother Goddess Durga is invoked, the golu steps are brought out and set up. Some households have professionally built wooden or steel steps for the purpose. Others use make-shift steps constructed out of cardboard boxes, coffee tables and chairs. What is important is to create a multi-step like platform for the display of dolls. It is customary to construct steps of 3, 5, 7 or 9.
  2. The steps are then covered with a clean sheet of cloth, traditionally a white Dhoti. Nowadays, colorful saris and other types of attractive fabric are also used in some Golus that deviate from the conventional. The fabric is pinned up neatly so as to fit to the contour of the steps, creating a bright backdrop for the grand display.
  3. The Kalash or the auspicious coconut is placed within a silver or brass pot. It is placed at the centre of the top most step.
  4. This is followed by the ‘Marapachi’ dolls – which are a male and female pair of dolls that are characteristic of every Golu. Part of the arrangement involves decorating this couple in fine garments and ornaments made out of shiny paper, sequins or other decorative material.
  5. Beginning with Ganesha, all the other idols are placed one after another. There is no hard and fast rule as to which deity goes where, but generally, the top steps are reserved for deities, while the bottom steps are occupied by animal, human and inanimate statues.
  6. Popular Golu collections include the Dasavathar set, Lord Krishna’s Ras Leela, Ganesha in different poses, Shiva and Parvathi, a marriage party set, a shopkeeper or grocer set complete with all the grocery items and weights as seen in a traditional Indian grocer’s.
  7. Creativity is the main element of a Golu. So, within a broad framework, the golu is basically an expression of originality and creativity – an opportunity for people, especially women, to take a break from monotonous housework and unleash their talents on the occasion of Navarathri. There is really no limit to what can be displayed.
  8. Examples of unique and original displays include a miniature model of an Olympic stadium, a cityscape, a cruise ship, a temple on a hilltop, a home-made fountain or volcano, a world famous park or forest, a mall or multistoried shopping center.
  9. Many of these are made with recycled material found at home, although there are people who spend time, money and painstaking effort on building professional looking models.
  10. Children help with building parks or forests by soaking grams a few days ahead and sprouting them.
  11. Other decorative elements such as Christmas lights, flower garlands, Rangoli, beads and handicrafts enhance the golu and differentiate one golu from another.
  12. Of course, what breathes life into a golu is all the activities that surround it. Women and children dressed in finery visit each other’s homes to admire the golus, sing songs, exchange sweets and gifts. There is a healthy competition among neighbors, as everyone tries to create the most beautiful Golu in town. Ideas are freely shared and improvised, recipes exchanged, compliments showered.
    The Golu, at the end of the day, is a reflection of many of the aspects of Indian culture at its glorious best.

If you have never seen a Golu, head to a South Indian home today. You are likely to experience something quite extraordinary, and come back with a bag full of goodies!

July 4th – Traditions and Celebrations

July 4th Ecards

July 4th Ecards

Just a few more weeks to go for July 4th! Have you decided how you’re going to celebrate this year? What will you be doing differently this time around? Are you thinking of cutting back on or expanding your celebrations? Share your thoughts! 

·         Fireworks constitute the grand finale to July 4th celebrations. But do you know that unlike many of the other traditions, this is not a recent addition? Fireworks have been a part of July the 4th celebrations since 1777, the first anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.  

The ringing of bells, firing of 13 guns and a grand display of fireworks marked that momentous occasion.

·         Will you be having a fireworks display in your own backyard? Even then, the experience of a public fireworks display at a local park or a famous one such as the Macy’s fireworks display, which is known to be the largest and grandest, or the celebrations in The National Mall, Washington, DC is definitely worth your while. If you’ve always wanted to experience one of those, this year may be a good time to find the best travel and hotel deals.

·         Patriotic music and songs often accompany fireworks displays. Here’s a list of patriotic songs you could brush up on, in time for July 4th. How about learning some of them with your kids and making this July 4th a true family celebration?

·         Speaking of patriotism, will you be proudly displaying the American flag outside your home, in your yard or on your vehicle? Then here are some pointers you should bear in mind regarding flag do’s and don’t’s

Over time, the warm weather and other factors, such as schools closing for the summer led to the adoption of various other July 4th traditions -picnics, block parties, baseball games and barbecues being some of them. One aspect clearly stands out in all of this. 

July 4th is more of a gathering with friends and family than a private celebration. It is one occasion that gives people the chance to come together and celebrate with their neighbors, friends and families.  

So, write in and tell us – which is your favorite 4th tradition? Have you created a July 4th family tradition? 

Personalize your Ecards, It only takes a minute!


Do you remember the last ecard you received? Probably not. If you do, then what specifically do you remember about it?

Chances are you remember it because it was personalized. With a note. Or the sender’s voice. Or picture. Or maybe all of those. Now, there’s no question that our free ecards are pretty cool by themselves. That’s why you send them! But what makes each of our ecards special is not what we put into it. It’s how you personalize it!

Follow these quick tips to personalize each and every ecard you send. It’s what makes the difference between another ecard and a message from your heart!

1. Add a personal note. Even if it’s just one line. Address the person you are sending the ecard to by name. Even something like ‘Have a wonderful year ahead’ or ‘I hope your birthday is as special as you are’, or ‘Lots of love and hugs from…’might suffice. Your personal note reflects your feelings or wishes and brings the ecard alive. 

2. Add a picture. We all have hundreds, maybe thousands of them. Digital pictures. So, why not share one with your ecard? Adding a picture instantly personalizes your ecard. A picture of you with your family. Or just one that reminds the recipient of you, the good times you shared or something funny. Whatever it is, it will only take a few seconds to add one, but it will bring more joy than you may realize. So, the next time you send an ecard, be sure to click on Add a photo! This feature is available with most of our ecards.

3. Add voice.  Remember the first time you were away from home or separated from a loved one? The first time you spoke over phone, you probably said to each other ‘It’s so good to hear your voice!’ The voice of a loved makes us feel better even when we’re across the globe. To use the Add voice feature available on many of our ecards, all you have to do is use your computer’s mic and sound recorder to record and store a short voice greeting, poem or song. Then simply attach it with your ecard to cheer up your loved one on his special day. Very few of you seem to be using this incredibly cool, yet simple feature. What’s keeping you? Let us know! 

We assure you, these three simple personalization steps will be completely worth it!

Got Free Ecards make over

Do you like our new avatar?

If you visited gotfreecards.com recently you probably noticed that we have been hard at work! Yep! We’re working on creating a better, friendlier website that you will find easier to use than ever before.

We are really excited about these changes that will save you time and make sending ecards even more of a breeze.

If you have been visiting us for some time, then you know that in just a few short months, we added several new features to our site – including the event reminderprintable cardspost cards and famous quotes. On our blog we bring you tips and gift ideas for different occasions and updates about our latest features and ecards. And of course, we are constantly updating our large selection of free ecards and post cards with wonderful new themes. You can rate, bookmark or add our site to your myspace page – all of which will help us understand what you like about us and where we can improve.

So, go ahead, tell us. How do you like our new look? And what new features would you like to see gotfreecards.com bring you in the coming months?

Valentine Ecards



Valentine Ecards
Valentine Ecards

Valentine’s Day is all about hearts, hearts and more hearts. Hearts as in the shape of the candle my husband got for me two years ago, and hearts as in the shape of the small ice-cream cake my dad always gets for my mom on Valentine’s Day. When I was a kid, my dad would get each of us our very own ice-cream cake, our very own dessert that we could eat all at once, or a little bit each day. I was and still am an all-or-nothing kind of gall when it comes to dessert, so mine would be gone by February 16th at the latest. My sister, on the other hand, would torture me, unintentionally she says, by taking one bite a day so that her cake lasted well into March.


On Valentine’s Day, I still think back fondly to my childhood and the fun we had sharing the love, even if the sharing didn’t involve our ice-cream cakes. But we knew we were lucky to have one another, and this Valentine’s I want to make sure I don’t forget to send e-cards to my family. Because Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be about your significant other, it should be about all of your special loved ones. I am glad I have GotFreeCards.com to help me spread the love, for even though there are many I want to send e-cards to, here at GotFreeCards every card is FREE! So this Valentine’s Day, spread the love and send valentine e-cards to everyone you care about!

Do you make New Year resolutions?

Do you make New Year resolutions? Do you keep them? I don’t.

If you’re like me, you do neither. Don’t get me wrong. I think making New Year resolutions is a great idea. I used to make them for many years. But then I realized that there was really no point, because my resolutions would go out the window by Jan 10th. Or sooner. So, like many others, I took the easy way out. Instead of stopping to analyze what was wrong and how I could correct it, I simply gave up on resolutions. 


Revive your resolutions

But, this year, I have done some thinking and would like to get back to making resolutions.  And start sticking with them. But, to do that effectively and to be able to keep my resolutions, there are some things I need to examine. Why did my earlier attempts fail? And what can I do differently? 

Here are some of the common mistakes people make when it comes to New Year resolutions. 

1. Setting goals too high – Lose 25 pounds in January? Not likely.

 If you set impossible goals, it is easy to get discouraged soon. Set measurable goals that you can accomplish with some focused effort.

2. Resolutions that are vague – If you don’t know what you want to achieve, how will you know when you get there? Instead of “ I will be a better person”, how about, listing out top three qualities you want to work on this year – say, patience, being positive, being open-minded. 

3. Not revisiting your resolutions – It’s not enough to make a resolution. For it to work, you need to stop and think about the progress you have made and the steps you need to take to improve. You need to set aside time every week or month to review your resolution.  Writing it down and keeping a resolution journal may help. If you don’t revisit your resolution, you may find that it is Dec 31 once again, and you will probably wake up to another year when you did not keep your resolution. 

After many years, I am back to making new year resolutions this year. I will be writing them down, reviewing them every now and then and I will take small steps towards bigger goals. How about you? Do you have any resolutions this year? Why/not? 

Remember: If you want to make a New Year resolution, start today. You don’t have to wait until next New Year’s Eve.

New Year Remember the troops



New Year Ecards
New Year Ecards

2008 is almost here, and it’s nearly time for another round of sure-to-be-broken New Year’s resolutions. 


 I’ve had my share of foul-ups in that department in the past.  I have not, to date, run a marathon.  And I still eat more than my share of French Fries.  

But there is one resolution I’m making this year, along with many people I know, that I will keep: this year, I resolve to do more to remind members of the military that we, back home, haven’t forgotten them.

I’ve written about this in the past, and so I know it might seem like I’m beating a dead horse, but it’s that important.  It doesn’t matter what you think about their mission; the fact that these brave souls are in other countries, risking their lives on a daily basis under the American flag, is reason enough to hold them in the highest esteem, and to let not one opportunity to let them know pass by. 

You can send e-cards, of course (this is, after all, an e-card website).  You can also buy telephone cards for our servicepersons—there are countless websites out there collecting them, as well as those collecting care packages.  It doesn’t matter what you do, really—just do something. 

That’s my resolution this year—what’s yours?

Cost cutting tips for Christmas gifts

Free Christmas Ecards

Free Christmas Ecards

The plunging economy and job cuts have taken their toll on many families and parents are worried if they will be able to afford Christmas gifts for their children. Here are some money saving tips to bring you some holiday cheer without lightening your pocket book :


1. Makes gifts. Home made cookies, a scarf from an old silk shirt or bed linen, a bow tie from the sash of a dress, a bracelet from beads leftover from a craft project…can you see the possibilities? Chances are people will love these gifts because you took the time to make them. What’s more, since you are making them, you can personalize it too. Gifts do not have to be expensive. Just creative, thoughtful and useful. 

2. Gifts don’t have to be things. They can be activities. When was the last time your family spent time together actually doing something? It could be as simple as a walk around your block, stopping to admire the decorations in each house. Or a picnic in a park. Or volunteering for your community. Or even organizing a Christmas play with the neighborhood kids. In today’s hectic lifestyle, TIME is the biggest gift.

3. Drawing names of family members written on pieces of paper. This way, each member of the family picks out one other member’s name and they only have to get one gift for that person. So everybody still receives a gift, and nobody has to blow his or her budget. 

4. Kids could make coupons for services you can offer. They could be ‘Mow Lawn’, ‘Clean Dishes’, ‘Fold Laundry’ that could be redeemed at a later time. What better gift can a child give a parent?

5. Use old magazine covers, newspapers, paper grocery bags for wrapping. Encourage kids to personalize them with art or poems. These make unique, inexpensive and attractive gift wraps. 

6. Send free ecards. No matter how far or near your loved ones live, there is one gift that everyone can afford and everyone appreciates – heartfelt wishes. Sending free ecards is a great way to wish your loved ones with a personal message. Adding a picture and voice to the ecard personalizes it further. Select free Christmas ecards from gotfreecards.com.

Get Well—Letting People Down

Get Well Soon Ecard
Get Well Soon Ecard

I’m one of those people who hates to admit being sick, even more than I hate actually getting sick.  If I wake up feeling nauseous and light-headed with clogged sinuses, I’m much more likely to groan my way to the shower, and then grin-and-bear-it through another day at work, than I am to pick up the phone, call in sick and go back to sleep.

And so on those rare occasions when I actually do decide that I’m too sick to actually leave the house, my friends, family and co-workers know I must be feeling really, really crummy.

If you’re like me, you really feel like a failure on those days: you feel like you’ve let your coworkers down, forcing them to take a larger burden at work; you feel like you’ve let your friends down, having to give up on whatever obligations you may have had to them; and you feel like you’ve let everyone who lives with you down, potentially exposing them to whatever it was that got you sick in the first place.

Times like those, when feeling bad physically combines with feeling down in the dumps emotionally, nothing brings a smile to your face quite like a little reminder that the people you care about are thinking about you, and aren’t angry with you at all.

So how can you show that you care?  Chicken soup’s a good standby, as if just picking up the phone, calling your sick friend or loved, and making sure they’re okay.  Now, you can add to that list free e-cards from GotFreeCards.com.  Our animated e-cards are quick, completely free, and a funny way to put a smile on an ailing friend’s face.  Give it a try!