Everyone gets presents on Christmas, and even though we smile and act like we’re surprised to have been thought so kindly of, in reality, if Mom or Dad hasn’t got us any gifts, we’d feel pretty miffed. Similarly, on Valentine’s Day, if you don’t buy your significant other a gift, you’re making trouble for yourself. Mom gets flowers on Mother’s Day, and Dad gets tools on Father’s Day.

But what about those other holidays, where gift-giving isn’t exactly traditional? That’s when you really have the opportunity to surprise the people you love. And you shouldn’t have to break the bank, either. For instance, on New Year’s this year, why not send out some free ecards from gotfreecards.com? They’re absolutely free, and when your friends and loved ones open their e-mail boxes and see you’ve sent them an animated e-card, not only will they know you’ve been thinking about them, but they’ll also know you didn’t have to get them anything: you only did it because you care.