Halloween— Relax!


Spooky Halloween
Spooky Halloween

It’s almost here: Halloween!


 Hands down, Halloween has always been my favorite holiday.  Don’t get me wrong: I love getting together with relatives who live far away on Thanksgiving, and seeing the looks of joy on family members’ faces as they open the perfect gift on Christmas warms my heart, but Halloween still stands above the rest, in my book.  The reason: it’s just about having fun.

 Sure, there’s an important, and in some cultures sacred, history behind the origins of Halloween, but for most of us, it’s turned in to a big, light-hearted celebration.  For at least one day out of the year, we don’t have to be solemn in our thanks; we don’t have to empty the bank account to buy gifts; we don’t have to juggle our celebrating with the stresses of cooking a big meal for the extended family.  On at least one holiday, all we have to do is enjoy ourselves.  And I don’t know about you, but I feel like I deserve that kind of a break, if only once a year.

So in celebrating Halloween this year, you don’t have to get your friends a free e-card  from GotFreeCards.com to show them how thankful you are.  You don’t have to pick out the perfect animated e-card to show how deeply you care.  No, on Halloween, you can send someone a free halloween ecard just because it’s a fun, funny thing to do. 

            Enjoy the holiday!