Wishing all our readers the best in this new year! Take this day to connect with your friends with free ecards
This blog is about free ecards and holidays
Wishing all our readers the best in this new year! Take this day to connect with your friends with free ecards
If Thanksgiving is almost here, can Christmas be far behind? Take a peek at our beautiful holiday cards – including free Christmas ecards, Hanukkah cards and winter wonderland theme cards. All cards are free and take just a few seconds to create and share.
To all the worlds supermoms Happy Mothers Day. Have a wonderful day off.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Season Greetings to all our reader! Thank you so much for making us your ecards site
It has been while since we updated you with our new products. While these are not Ecards or Printable Cards related. They are all useful products for people who travel so here you go.
Flight Status
Many of you will travel this holiday season. Don’t you wish you knew the flight times right from home so you did not have to go to the airport way ahead of time? We have 2 highly successful apps Flight Tracker and Airport Monitor HD for that and now we have also launched a website to monitor flight status from home.
Phrasebook Apps
And this winter if you are taking a trip down to Mexico or to Europe. Don’t you wish you had someone who spoke Spanish with you – we have an app for that. It has over 700 most used phrases like “where is the nearest hotel” or “where can I find the best food”? The apps are available for iphone, Windows7 and Android phones. Visit us at www.shorelineanimation.com and check out our English to Spanish app. You will also find English to French, German, Italian.
So happy travel this winter.
PS Our Airport Monitor APP was voted “New and Newsworthy” by Apple
Its July 4th! Happy Birthday America while this is not the biggest card giving holiday. We have some ecards and printable cards for this occasion. We hope you enjoy them
And do not forget to read our July 4th Blog and Trivia
If you really want to get into the spirit of the holiday season, forget about the people you love.
Just for a minute.
You know – the people who know you care about them. Who’re probably the ones who love you back. Unconditionally. The ones who matter the most to you. The ones whom you will spend your holidays with. For whom you buy the most expensive gifts. And who, you won’t really ever forget about. No matter what.
But, let’s not think about them. For a minute.
Instead, here’s what I ask of you. For just one minute, think of the one person you dislike the most. The one who you think ruined your chances at work. Or whom you haven’t spoken to in years. The ex-best friend who betrayed your trust. The boss who didn’t give you the raise you deserved. The cousin who embarrassed you at a family gathering. Maybe even the ex-spouse who cheated on you.
We can’t deny it. Ask anyone, and there’s sure to be at least one person they detest, dislike or at the very least, will have nothing to do with for the rest of their lives. Whether it’s a relative, colleague or someone who used to be a friend – you never forget about them.
But, maybe the time has come to forgive?
Think about it. Life is short. Let’s say you live a hundred years. You’ve already lived 20, 30 or 40 of them. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life holding on to a grudge or carrying the burden of hatred in your heart? Is it really worth it? What have you gained by not forgiving? Does it really make you any happier?
I’m guessing not. Hatred never makes anyone feel better. On the contrary, studies show that holding on to negative thoughts affects your mental and physical health adversely. It is likely to cause you stress related diseases and shorten your life span. Your negativity may even spill over to your loved ones. Is that what you really want?
What if you were to decide to forgive that person this holiday season? Yes, the one who hurt you, betrayed your trust or damaged your reputation. It won’t be easy. And it won’t happen overnight. And it may not feel right, at first.
But, give it some time. Allow the thought to sink in.
You don’t have to take a huge step. Start simple. Send that person a holiday e-card. Just wish them well. Wish them happy holidays. And see what happens.
You may just experience something magical. Something beautiful. Something that will change your life and the way you look at life.
One free ecard won’t drastically change your relationship, of course. It may still take you years to actually accept that person with his flaws. But it will break the ice. It will set the ball of forgiveness and communication rolling. You have nothing to lose. Except a minute of your time. And maybe some burden off your chest.
I’d say that’s worth a shot. Don’t you?
Try it. And let us know.
We wish all our readers a very Happy Thanksgiving! Below is a list of our useful thanksgiving links:
1. To Email Thanksgiving Ecards click here
2. To send Free Thanksgiving Printable Cards click here
3. To send Photo Ecards click here