2008 is almost here, and it’s nearly time for another round of sure-to-be-broken New Year’s resolutions.
I’ve had my share of foul-ups in that department in the past. I have not, to date, run a marathon. And I still eat more than my share of French Fries.
But there is one resolution I’m making this year, along with many people I know, that I will keep: this year, I resolve to do more to remind members of the military that we, back home, haven’t forgotten them.
I’ve written about this in the past, and so I know it might seem like I’m beating a dead horse, but it’s that important. It doesn’t matter what you think about their mission; the fact that these brave souls are in other countries, risking their lives on a daily basis under the American flag, is reason enough to hold them in the highest esteem, and to let not one opportunity to let them know pass by.
You can send e-cards, of course (this is, after all, an e-card website). You can also buy telephone cards for our servicepersons—there are countless websites out there collecting them, as well as those collecting care packages. It doesn’t matter what you do, really—just do something.
That’s my resolution this year—what’s yours?