The Importance of Free Animated Ecards

Do you remember when you were young? Back before the internet was the huge deal that it is today? Before you could look up recipes or definitions with a few clicks of a button? Before email was the most popular form of communication? Then, it was very difficult to keep track of a number of things, including birthdays and anniversaries. You had to have a calendar full of all of these events, and a stack of cards ready to mail, if you got the chance to mail them in time. This was a very difficult time, and even though there were some great things about it, there were also a lot of bad things. How horrible did you feel if you forgot to send out a card for your best friend’s birthday? How much did you berate yourself for being stupid when you forgot to send a card for your parents anniversary? Thanks to free animated ecards, you never have to worry about forgetting again.

One of the most enjoyable things about free animated ecards is that they can be dated ahead of time, making it quick and simple to take the time to set a bunch of free animated ecards to go at the same time, making all of your greetings get to their recipient on time, and making you look like a hero to your family and friends.

Keeping it Simple

Another beauty of free animated ecards is that they keep things extremely simple. Instead of having to spend tons of time searching for the perfect gift, which may not be right anyway, you can get a free animated ecard and send your thoughts and feelings to your friends and family without having to spend much time or without having to worry that your friend will not like the gift that you choose.

Keeping it Cheap

Let’s face it: one of the biggest problems we have in today’s society is monetary. Money is not as easily found as it was before, and it can cost a pretty penny to not only buy a gift but to send one. Even cards have become very expensive and are often not easily affordable when you’re scrimping and saving. Free animated ecards are, well, free, and are a great way to show someone that you’re thinking of them and how much you truly care for them, without having to spend a dime.

Types of Ecards

There are dozens of different types of free animated ecards that you can send to your friends and family. These cards range from funny, for those friends who like to have a bit of humor in their lives and for those days that you’re feeling particularly silly, to serious and sweet, for those days when you want to let your friends and family know exactly how you feel about them. Often, a free animated ecard can help to convey your thoughts to the recipient much easier than a gift could do.

J.D. Theiss is the writer for, a company focused on providing high quality, free animated ecards, allowing people to show their loved ones how much they care with just a few quick clicks of their mouse.

A Little Courtesy Goes A Long Way

There’s not enough courtesy left in the world. People rarely excuse themselves when they bump each other anymore and generally it’s just not all that common for people to be nice to each other. They jostle each other for seats on the bus or the subway and many are constantly plotting ways to get ahead of their fellows. However, there is a way to turn the tide by taking small steps and one that each of us can accomplish is by thanking someone with ecards for a kindness.

Why not try and brighten up someone’s day by sending them one of the free animated ecards that are available through GotFreeCards? They’re always in the spirit of helping out and spreading goodwill and one look at the vast selection of free ecards that pass along a simple thank you will show you how dedicated they are to making life a more courteous and happy place. Their thank you section is only one of a number of categories available that includes miss you, sorry, and get well soon.

Telling Someone You Love Them with Free Animated Ecards

Everyone loves meeting someone and going out on that first date, and when you find the right person, getting to know them is fun as well! The problem, however, comes when you fall in love with someone and are nervous to tell them how much you truly care. You risk a lot when you tell someone you love them. The worst thing is telling the person you’ve fallen in love with that you love them and hearing them say nothing back. If you’re at a loss for words, free animated ecards may be able to lend you a hand.

The Can’t Find the Words free animated ecard is the ideal card to choose if you’ve been longing to tell someone how you really feel but are a bit nervous as to what their response will be. This ecard says everything for you. With a few quick clicks, the person you are in love with will know exactly how you are feeling. Sending the message though a free animated ecard gives the person who is receiving the card a few moments to let the words sink into their brain, giving them the chance to say it back to you without any pressure!

Someone Sick? Help Them Feel Better with Free Ecards

Everybody has a bad day, and sometimes those bad days occur because you’ve gotten really sick. On those sick days you want nothing more than for someone to say “I know you’re suffering, and I’m sorry! I hope you feel better soon!” It may not make the cold or flu go away any faster, but it can make you feel better! Scientist have studied and found that people who feel better emotionally almost all feel better physically, and sometimes sending your friend a free ecard can help them to feel a little better!

The Your Dreams Will Come True is a free ecard that is idea to give someone who is suffering from an illness that never seems to end. It may be an illness that just has a prolonged sickness period associated with it, or it may be an illness that has a bit more serious. This card is meant to give the sick person hope, and to let them know that no matter what they want to do, whether it’s to climb a mountain, go scuba diving, or to slide down a zip line in the African rain forest, their sickness will abate and they will be able to make their dreams come true.