Adopt a Mom this Mother’s Day!


With Mother’s Day around the corner, you’ve probably planned a grand day ahead for Mom. While you’re at it, here are a few simple ways in which you can bring joy to other Moms as well. After all, all mothers deserve to be honored, at the very least on this special day. So, why not adopt a mom, this Mother’s Day and warm her heart? In the process, you would have made yours proud. And what better gift could there possibly be?

4 ways to make another Mom’s day.

Offer to baby-sit for a new mom. There’s nothing a new mom would appreciate more than a few hours of free time to get out of the house, take a nap or just do something for herself. If your friend, sister, cousin or colleague has had a baby recently, give her this gift of time on Mother’s Day. A short break from her round-the-clock caring for baby routine will work wonders on her spirits and also give you the chance to cuddle up with her little one.

Be a friend. Is your best friend away from home? Spend a few hours with his or her mom, so she doesn’t miss her son or daughter as much.

Make a stranger feel special. Visit an old age or homeless shelter and wish the women there a Happy Mother’s Day. Offer to do something special for one(or more) of them. It could be as simple as taking them out for ice cream, or cooking a meal for them or just playing their favorite music.

Send free Mother’s Day ecards. Not just to your own mom, but to all the moms you know. From your cleaning lady to your child’s caretaker at daycare – why not make their day with a free wish?

One thought on “Adopt a Mom this Mother’s Day!”

  1. Having lost my own Mother 10 years ago I have to say this is a fantastic idea! There are so many mothers out there that may not be able to be with their own children on this special day, so let’s all go that extra mile to honor all the mothers we do know. I will be sure to send out some e-cards as well to all the wonderful Moms I know.

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